How to Join

The membership of the Club consists of the following categories: Junior, Ordinary, Life, and Honorary. It should be highlighted that there are no separate competitions for Junior Members and therefore Junior competitors will be expected to play under the same conditions as Ordinary Members.

Members of all categories and all prospective members must be a member of The St. Andrews Golf Club, The New Golf Club of St. Andrews or The Royal and Ancient Golf Club of St Andrews.

Also, no member or prospective member shall at any time designate The St. Andrews Thistle Golf Club as his Home Club. The St. Andrews Thistle Golf Club will therefore have no “Home” members.

Annual Subscription £40.00 - due to be paid by the 31st March annually, for the year 1st March to 28th/29th February. The annual subscription must be paid before entering any Medal/Match Play competitions.

New members joining Fee £60.00 plus the Annual Subscription of £40.00, making a total of £100.00

Membership Application

An application for membership may be obtained from the Honorary Secretary at, or by downloading it by Clicking the link below –

The proposer and seconder must have been members themselves for a minimum of two years and have known the applicant for a minimum of two years. A member may only propose or second a maximum of two applicants for membership in any one membership year from 1 April to 31 March.